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About Us

Your Child Is in Great Hands

Captura de Pantalla 2022-05-02 a la(s) 6.16.14 p. m..png

Meet the Founder

Hello community. I'm Serra, founder of the Alpaquitas Playground, at Pisac.
I am an early childhood educator with 6 years of experience in preschool teaching at a head start program and 2 years as a special education teacher in New York City. In March 2020, I visited my sister who lives in Peru and fell in love with the country and decided to relocate to Peru. As I was exploring the area, I realized that there is no safe and conducive place for children to play. As the children need a safe space to be themselves and experience the joys of childhood -all while having the toys they need to make this a reality-. I decided to open a playground for children of 0-12 years of age. My goal is to optimize it so that the children can get maximum benefit from the playroom. I invite you to visit Alpaquitas!

About Us

Alpaquitas is a playground, free for children in the community, created with the aim of promoting creativity and learning. We are located in Rinconada - Pisac. Find us Monday to Saturday 9 am - 2 pm.
We will love your visit!

At Alpaquitas we specialize in creative play, for this reason we have various playful tools and spaces designed to promote creativity and imagination, such as: dramatic play area, library, art center, table toys, tables of water and many outdoor activities, all of which contribute to building a stimulating and fun environment. Come and play with us! 

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